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晚白垩世至古近纪期间,江西省内沿区域性断裂构造发育30余个断陷盆地,沉积了巨厚的红色陆相碎屑岩,为丹霞地貌的形成提供了物质基础。已发现的228处丹霞地貌点主要分布于江西东部武夷山北麓和西麓的红层盆地内。利用面积—高程积分法,对江西省9个盆地的丹霞地貌演化阶段进行了定量分析,结果表明省内丹霞地貌景区的面积—高程HI为0. 17~0. 52,平均为0. 38,即其演化阶段处于壮年晚期至老年早期,在空间分布上具有由南向北,由壮年期转为老年期的趋势。该趋势可能与武夷山的构造隆升有关。构造分析显示,节理与武夷山的隆升对江西丹霞地貌演化起控制作用,具体表现为:① 龙虎山、九仙湖、仙岩、蛤蟆坞、赭亭山、龟峰等地发育的崖壁、一线天、巷谷、石墙、石寨、峰丛、峰林等丹霞典型景观均与节理有关。② 流水侵蚀等外营力的作用对丹霞地貌的剥露、削平起重要作用,统计表明距离武夷山越近,丹霞地貌山峰越密集、崖壁越陡峻,指示武夷山的隆升与丹霞地貌的发育有直接关系。总体来看,江西省内的红层为丹霞地貌的发育提供了物质基础,武夷山的隆升控制了丹霞地貌的分布。值得注意的是,丹霞地貌区的节理构造是否与武夷山的隆升存在直接因果关系还需进一步研究。  相似文献   
Extraordinary, long-distance litho-marker beds such as the Lewes and Shoreham Tubular Flints and associated marl seams and fossils, recognised in cliff exposures and cliff-fall boulders, are keys to unlocking the stratigraphy and tectonic structures in the Late Cretaceous of the Dorset and East Devon Coast World Heritage Site (Jurassic Coast). Durdle Cove is a special gem exposing the Lewes and Seaford Chalk stratigraphy where new marker beds are identified and sediments and tectonic structures provide clues to timing of movements that produced a Late Cretaceous pericline which grew into a Miocene monocline along the line of the underlying Purbeck Reverse Fault. During ‘inversion’ along this fault some Late Cretaceous Chalk formations were in part or completely ‘lost’ (e.g. Middle Turonian New Pit Chalk Formation) and others were condensed (e.g. Late Santonian and Early Campanian Newhaven Chalk Formation). Excavation of the A354 road cutting at the Lower Bincombe Farm, has greatly added to the stratigraphical records of Late Cretaceous fossils in South Dorset, especially Coniacian and Early Campanian inoceramid bivalves and the various stratigraphically specific forms of the Late Santonian to Early Campanian echinoid fossil Echinocorys scutata spp. not recorded before in this coastline. The very large bivalve fossil Platyceramus sp. provides clues to chalk sea-floor environments.  相似文献   
The Cervarola Sandstones Formation, Aquitanian–Burdigalian in age, was deposited in an elongate, north‐west stretched foredeep basin formed in front of the growing northern Apennines orogenic wedge. As other Apennine foredeep deposits, such as the Marnoso‐arenacea Formation, the stratigraphic succession of the Cervarola Sandstones Formation records the progressive closure of the basin due to the propagation of thrust fronts towards the north‐east, i.e. towards the outer and shallower foreland ramp. This process produces a complex foredeep that is characterized by syn‐sedimentary structural highs and depocentres that strongly influence lateral and vertical turbidite facies distribution. This work describes and discusses this influence, providing a high‐resolution physical stratigraphy with ‘bed by bed’ correlations of an interval ca 1000 m thick, parallel and perpendicular to the palaeocurrents and to the main structural alignments, on an area of ca 30 km that covers the proximal portion of the Cervarola basin in the northern Apennines. The main aim is to show, for the first time ever, a detailed facies analysis of the Cervarola Sandstones Formation, based on a series of bed types that have proven fundamental to understand the morphology of the basin. The knowledge of the vertical and lateral distribution of these bed types, such as contained‐reflected and slurry (i.e. hybrid) beds, together with other important sedimentary structures, i.e. cross‐bedded bypass facies and delamination structures, is the basis for better understanding of facies processes, as well as for proposing an evolutionary model of the foredeep in relation to the syn‐sedimentary growth of the main tectonic structures. This makes the Cervarola Sandstones, like the Marnoso‐arenacea Formation, a typical example of foredeep evolution.  相似文献   
Overdeepenings, i.e. closed topographic depressions with adverse slopes in the direction of flow, are characteristic for glacier beds and glacially sculpted landscapes. Quantitative information about their morphological characteristics, however, has so far hardly been available. The present study provides such information by combining the analysis of (a) numerous bed overdeepenings below still existing glaciers of the Swiss Alps and the Himalaya‐Karakoram region modelled with a robust shear stress approximation and (b) detailed bathymetries from recently exposed lakes in the Peruvian Andes. The investigated overdeepenings exist where glacier surface slopes are low (< 5°–10°), occur in bedrock or morainic material and are most commonly a fraction of a kilometre squared in surface area, hundreds of metres long, about half the length in width and tens of metres deep. They form under conditions of low to high basal shear stresses, at cirque, confluence, trunk valley and terminus positions. The most striking phenomenon, however, is the high variability of their geometries: Depths, surface areas, lengths and widths of the overdeepenings vary over orders of magnitude and are only weakly – if at all – interrelated. Inclinations of adverse slopes do not differ significantly from those of forward slopes and are in many cases higher than so far assumed theoretical limits for supercooling of ascending water and corresponding closure of sub‐glacial channels. Such steep adverse slopes are a robust observation and in support of recently developed new concepts concerning the question about where supercooling of sub‐glacial water and closure of ice channels can or must occur. However, the question of when and under what climatic, topographic and ice conditions the overdeepenings had formed remains unanswered. This open question constitutes a key problem concerning the interpretation of observed overdeepenings, the understanding of the involved glacio‐hydraulic processes and the possibility of realistic predictive modelling of overdeepening formation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
动床条件下粘性泥石流沟道淤积实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流淤积是危害建筑物的主要方式之一.为了探讨动床条件下泥石流沟道淤积规律,开展了不同泥石流重度、不同沟床物质重度、不同沟道坡度以及不同泥石流总量共4组单次淤积实验和1组不同沟道坡度下的泥石流连续淤积实验.实验结果表明,单次淤积时,泥石流淤积厚度随着沟道坡度的增加而减小,随着泥石流重度的增大而增大,随泥石流总量的增大而增大,受沟床物质重度变化的影响较小;连续淤积时,随着沟道坡度的增加,第2次淤积相对于第1次淤积结果依次表现为完全淤积、冲淤交替以及完全冲刷,且冲刷始于沟道前缘,逐渐向后缘发展.在分析泥石流淤积厚度的影响因素基础上,通过回归分析建立了动床条件下粘性泥石流沟道淤积厚度的经验预测公式:H=0.005x+ (1.63E-11)e(rc)-0.003ln(sinθ) +0.22V-0.02.  相似文献   
海草床是珍贵的“海底草原”,具有十分重要的生态服务功能。上世纪90年代,烟台曾分布有4种海草,尚不明确海草的分布现状。本研究结合了现场调查、声呐探测等手段,查清了烟台市莱州市至莱山区沿海海草的分布现状,发现了一处位于烟台市套子湾的面积为51.90 ha的鳗草-日本鳗草混合草床,并对鳗草、日本鳗草的生态特征进行了调查。调查发现烟台现存海草仅有2种,部分草床严重退化,亟需对现存海草进行保护与监测,以遏制海草的退化速度。  相似文献   
中国的恐龙蛋化石埋藏丰富,分布广泛。迄今为止,已报道有14个省(区)发现恐龙蛋化石。尤其在浙江天台盆地、山东莱阳盆地、广东南雄盆地以及河南西峡和淅川盆地等晚白垩世陆相红层中发现大量的恐龙蛋化石,同时也发现大量共生的恐龙等脊椎动物化石。中国恐龙蛋化石具有数量大、种类多、保存好、分布广、时代跨度大等特点,因此恐龙蛋可以作为中国白垩纪陆相地层划分与对比的重要化石之一。本文在建立天台盆地赖家组和赤城山组的岩石地层、年代地层和恐龙蛋生物地层层序框架的基础上,重点对比讨论了我国几个主要含恐龙蛋沉积盆地的恐龙蛋类群组合序列及其对应的地层关系。同时,对我国周边相邻地区如蒙古、韩国和印度以及其他各个大陆发现的恐龙蛋化石进行了初步对比讨论。天台恐龙蛋化石群与我国其他几个主要的恐龙蛋化石群之间存在一定的差距。相比较而言,天台恐龙蛋化石群和南雄恐龙蛋化石群组合特征鲜明,前者主要以网形蛋类和蜂窝蛋类为主,后者以长形蛋类为优势类群,结合天台盆地陆相红层中多个凝灰岩夹层获得的98~91Ma和南雄盆地67Ma的同位素年龄,据此,天台恐龙蛋化石群代表了晚白垩世早期的恐龙蛋组合,而南雄恐龙蛋化石群则代表了晚白垩世晚期的恐龙蛋组合。天台恐龙蛋化石群与莱阳恐龙蛋化石群明显不同,莱阳盆地的主要蛋化石类型——圆形蛋类和椭圆形蛋类在天台盆地至今没有被发现。但莱阳恐龙蛋化石群与南雄恐龙蛋化石群比较相似,如莱阳盆地金刚口组以椭圆形蛋类为主,含有少量的长形蛋类,而南雄盆地以长形蛋类为主,含有少量的椭圆形蛋类,其中金刚口椭圆形蛋、薄皮椭圆形蛋、长形长形蛋和安氏长形蛋等2属4种蛋化石在两个盆地均有发现。此外,在莱阳盆地王氏群中下部的将军顶组还发现了相对原始的网形蛋类。综合以上分析,莱阳恐龙蛋化石群大致介于晚白垩世早期的天台恐龙蛋化石群和晚白垩世晚期的南雄恐龙蛋化石群之间,更接近于南雄恐龙蛋化石群,时代应为晚白垩世中晚期。天台恐龙蛋化石群与西峡恐龙蛋化石群非常相似,在科一级分类单元中,至少有巨型长形蛋类、蜂窝蛋类和棱柱形蛋类等6个蛋科在两个盆地中均有发现,尤其是巨型长形蛋科仅在天台和西峡两个盆地中有化石记录,其中西峡巨型长形蛋这一蛋种同时产于西峡盆地走马岗组、赵营组和天台盆地的赤城山组。西峡盆地发现的其他一些蛋化石也可以归入到天台盆地新建立的一些蛋化石类型中。据此推断,走马岗组和赵营组与赤城山组的层位可能大致相当。虽然我们对西峡盆地已报道的部分恐龙蛋化石进行了初步厘定,但鉴于西峡盆地大量恐龙蛋化石的形态学和分类学尚存在较多的问题,两盆地的详细对比还有待于进一步的研究。天台恐龙蛋化石群与淅川盆地的恐龙蛋化石组合差别很大,相应的淅川盆地的恐龙蛋类群与相邻的西峡盆地的差别也较大,此外,在淅川盆地高沟组发现有树枝蛋类,这一类蛋化石在天台盆地未发现,据此推测淅川盆地的时代应晚于天台盆地和西峡盆地。相比较而言,淅川盆地的蛋化石组合与莱阳和南雄恐龙蛋化石群有一定的相似性,都含有长形蛋类、圆形蛋类和椭圆形蛋类等,因而,淅川盆地的马家村组和寺沟组的层位被认为可能与莱阳盆地的金刚口组和南雄盆地的坪岭组相当。综上分析,我们可以初步建立我国晚白垩世恐龙蛋化石群的组合序列及其对应的地层层序和时代框架,从下至上至少包含了4个恐龙蛋化石群:1)天台恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为天台群中上部的赖家组和赤城山组,时代约为晚白垩世早期(塞诺曼期土伦期);2)西峡恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为走马岗组、赵营组和六爷庙组,晚白垩世早中期(土伦期桑顿期);3)莱阳恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为王氏群中上部的将军顶组和金刚口组,晚白垩世中晚期(科尼亚克期坎潘期);4)南雄恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为南雄群园圃组和坪岭组,晚白垩世晚期(坎潘期马斯特里赫特期)。此外,随着研究工作的继续和深入,有望建立起包括早白垩世恐龙蛋化石群在内的白垩纪恐龙蛋化石群的组合特征序列,为进一步划分与对比我国白垩纪地层提供更多的基础资料。  相似文献   
Magnetic fabrics studies (AMS) are a useful tool in order to describe the distribution of deformation in orogenic areas where conventional techniques are difficult to apply, especially due to the lack of proper strain markers. In the present study, AMS and structural analysis are used to define the distribution of deformation in the Central Axial and Nogueres Zones, an area of strong structural changes (i) in the geometry of the antiformal stack defining the Pyrenean Axial Zone and (ii) the distribution of Alpine cleavage. The studied rocks are Lower-Middle Triassic red beds that crop out in three different stacked thrust units (Bielsa, Nogueres and Orri). Primary sedimentary fabrics are preserved in the uppermost thrust units (Nogueres Zone), but a high percentage of the sampling sites shows an overprint of Alpine compression on magnetic fabrics, with the magnetic lineation mostly parallel to the tectonic grain defined by compressional structures and the magnetic foliation showing different orientations between the poles to cleavage and bedding. The development of compressional fabrics strongly depends on the structural position of the sites, and two deformation gradients can be inferred: the southern margin of the Axial Zone (Orri and Bielsa units) shows strong internal deformation, increasing towards the North; farther north (in the restored cross-section), deformation is in general terms lower, but increases towards the basal thrust of the Nogueres Zone. The heterogeneous distribution of Alpine internal deformation indicates a preferred development of cleavage in the Variscan basement and overlying units of the southern margin of the Axial Zone (mainly in the Orri unit), that could be partly controlled by the tectonic load resulting from the stacking of thrust sheets.  相似文献   
白垩纪世界与大洋红层   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:36  
白垩纪代表着地质历史中的一种极端的温室气候,已被国际地球科学界视为研究地球系统科学的典型范例。文中在评述白垩纪沉积作用、古气候、古海洋研究中取得的重要进展基础上,重点介绍推动白垩纪研究核心问题之一的黑色页岩和大洋缺氧事件以及由中国学者提出的白垩纪大洋红层和富氧作用。大洋缺氧事件与大洋红层的研究因其与碳氧循环、古气候和古海洋变化的紧密关系,已经成为国际白垩纪研究中的热点问题,并在今后一段时期内继续引领着白垩纪古海洋、古气候变化研究的不断深入。  相似文献   
Río Fardes剖面位于西班牙南部Granada东北,构造上属于深水环境的Subbetic中带。该剖面主要由白垩纪Fardes组第Ⅱ段和第Ⅲ段(半)远洋沉积构成,并出现浊流沉积和混杂沉积。本次研究在Fardes组浊流层序内首次发现两段红色沉积。钙质超微化石表明红层的时间从Turonian早期(UC7 带)到Coniacian中期—晚期界线(UC10/?UC11带)。红层由mm级红色泥岩夹灰色、杂色、偶尔黑色泥岩和钙质泥岩组成。沉积学研究表明新发现的Turonian Coniacian远洋红色泥岩沉积形成于CCD面之下深水盆地环境,浊流和碎屑流沉积强烈地影响着(半)远洋环境的背景泥岩相,并成为红色沉积结束的原因。  相似文献   
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